Camping FoodCamping is one of my husband's and my favorite activities to do throughout the year. We started going each spring break when we first began dating, and we've gone every year since. Thankfully, as time has gone on we've begun taking more trips throughout the year. As a result, our camping food list has gotten a bit more elaborate, but I'd still say it's pretty basic- no pancakes or tofu … [Read more...]
Nutty Flax and Raisin Granola Cereal
Be forewarned, granola is exceptionally tasty, and is easily addictive. Lately I've been on a granola kick, so I've been experimenting with all sorts of different flavors over the past month. I have yet to be disappointed with granola. It always ends up being sweet and satisfying, no matter what I put in it. And with a splash of cold almond milk it's oh so satisfying!For this batch, I … [Read more...]