This is such an easy drink to make and the flavor is delightful. Not too tangy. Not too tart. Juuuust right. The best part of this juice is the way it makes me feel. It is a bona fide super-juice. Why? Because it has three nutrient-rich foods that are packed with antioxidants.
+ Strawberries: Vitamin C, Potassium, Ellagic Acid and Flavonoids (phytochemicals), Folate (B Vitamin)
- Boost immunity
- Reduce inflammation
- Cancer-fighting properties
- Improve eye health
- Younger looking skin (promotes production of collagen)
- Promotes heart health
- Fight LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
- Helps regulate blood pressure
Benefits of Strawberries– Besthealth
+ Oranges: Vitamin C, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin A, Thiamine, Folacin, Niacin, Phytochemicals
- Regulate Blood Pressure
- Improve memory
- Bone health
- Healthy digestion
- Boost immunity
- Reduce inflammation
- Cancer-fighting properties
- Improve eye health
- Younger looking skin (promotes production of collagen)
- Promotes heart health
- Fight LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
- Helps regulate blood pressure
Benefits of Oranges–
+ Lemons: Vitamin C, Phytochemicals, Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Highly alkalizing
- Highly alkalizing. They neutralize acidity in the body.
- Promote liver health
- Promote digestion
- Purify system- lemons are a diuretic and flush out toxins.
- Clear skin
- Boosts immune system
- Reduce inflammation
- Cancer-fighting properties
- Improve eye health
- Promote younger looking skin (promotes production of collagen)
- Promote heart health
Benefits of Lemons–
Benefits of Lemons–
Strawberry-Orange Lemonade Juice –Yields 4 cups of juice.
5 Oranges (2 1/2 c. juice)
8+ Strawberries (2+ cups sliced)
2 Lemons (1/2 c. juice)
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